Hermes SDK Documentation
Classes | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Hermes::Protocol Namespace Reference


struct  AdvertisingHapticsModules
struct  AssignRoleToTrackerArgs
struct  AssignTrackerToUserArgs
struct  CalibrationProfile
struct  ChangeUserForRoleArgs
struct  Color
struct  CompleteMessage
struct  CoordinateSystem
struct  CoordinateSystemDirection
struct  CoordinateSystemVUH
struct  DeleteHapticsSequenceCommandArgs
struct  Devices
struct  Diagnostics
struct  ExtraTrackerOffset
struct  Filter
struct  FilterInventory
struct  Finger
struct  Glove
struct  GloveInfo
struct  GloveRaw
struct  HapticsModuleAdvertisement
struct  HiveNode
struct  Mat44
struct  Measurement
struct  MeshConfig
struct  MeshNodeConfig
struct  Orientation
struct  Parameter
struct  ParameterSet
struct  Phalange
struct  Pipeline
struct  PipelineCommitArgs
struct  PlayHapticsSequenceCommandArgs
struct  ProfilerData
struct  Profiling
struct  ProfilingData
struct  Quat
struct  RawFinger
struct  SequenceData
struct  SequenceStateValue
struct  ServiceRoute
struct  Session
struct  SessionArguments
struct  SessionSet
struct  StartSequenceArg
struct  StepData
struct  StoreHapticsSequenceCommandArgs
struct  Tracker
struct  TrackerData
struct  TrackerDirection
struct  TrackerList
struct  TrackerOffset
struct  TrackerServiceSettings
struct  TrackerSystem
struct  TrackerSystemCollection
struct  TrackerSystemSetting
struct  TrackerSystemSettingBool
struct  TrackerSystemSettingFile
struct  TrackerSystemSettingInt
struct  TrackingSystemInfo
struct  TrackingSystemMessage
struct  Translation
struct  UpgradeNotification
struct  User
struct  UserCollection
struct  UserHandArgs
struct  UserProfile
struct  UserProfileArgs
struct  Vec3
struct  Version
struct  Void
struct  WrappedDevices
struct  WrappedTrackerData
struct  WristTransform


enum  UpdateMode { CheckOnly, StartUpdater }
enum  DefaultPorts { Nothing, HivePort }
enum  SequenceType { None, HandsOnly, BodyAdvanced, BodyAdvancedOnly }
enum  HandProfilePreset {
  NoHandData, PrimeTwoVive, PrimeTwoManus, StrapVive,
enum  StepType {
  Invalid, ArcHandX, ArcHandZ, ArcLeftFootY,
  ArcRightFootY, ArcElbows, ArcLeftHandX, ArcLeftHandZ,
  ArcRightHandX, ArcRightHandZ, ArcPrayZ, PoseT,
  PoseAlignHand, PoseHipPoint, PoseHeadPoint, PoseNeckPoint,
  PoseLeftFootPoint, PoseRightFootPoint, PoseLeftElbow, PoseRightElbow,
  PoseLeftShoulder, PoseRightShoulder, PoseElbows, PoseShoulders,
  PoseHeadTop, PoseKnees
enum  SequenceState { Idle, InStep, Finished, NotStarted }
enum  CompleteType {
  Complete, Error, Replaced, NoPlayer,
  NoTrackers, NotValid, NoSkeleton, NoSequence,
  NoProfile, Busy
enum  FingerType { UnknownFinger, Regular, Thumb }
enum  HandType { UnknownChirality, Left, Right }
enum  GloveVersion { UnknownVersion, PrimeOne, PrimeTwo }
enum  ProfileType { Hands, FullBody }
enum  BodyMeasurements {
  PlayerHeight, SpineLength, NeckLength, UpperArmLength,
  LowerArmLength, ArmLength, ArmSpan, UpperLegLength,
  LowerLegLength, LegLength, HandLength, FootLength,
  HipWidth, ShoulderWidth, ShoulderHeight, HeadLength,
  Thickness, ArmRatio, LegRatio
enum  OffsetsToTracker {
  HeadTrackerToHead, HeadTrackerToTopOfHead, LeftHandTrackerToWrist, RightHandTrackerToWrist,
  LeftFootTrackerToAnkle, RightFootTrackerToAnkle, HipTrackerToHip, HipTrackerToLeftLeg,
  HipTrackerToRightLeg, LeftUpperArmTrackerToElbow, RightUpperArmTrackerToElbow, LeftUpperArmTrackerToShoulder,
enum  ExtraOffsetToTracker { ExtraOffsetToTracker_Unknown, ExtraOffsetToTracker_HeadForward, ExtraOffsetToTracker_HipForward, ExtraOffsetToTracker_HipHeight }
enum  MeasurementUnit { Meters, Percentage }
enum  MeasurementCategory {
  Misc, Generic, Arms, Legs,
enum  coor_axis_t {
  CoorAxisZneg, CoorAxisYneg, CoorAxisXneg, CoorAxisXpos,
  CoorAxisYpos, CoorAxisZpos
enum  TrackerType {
  Unknown, Head, Waist, LeftHand,
  RightHand, LeftFoot, RightFoot, LeftUpperArm,
  RightUpperArm, LeftUpperLeg, RightUpperLeg, Controller,
enum  TrackingQuality { Untrackable, BadTracking, Trackable }


rpc UpdateForest (Hardware::DeviceForest) returns(Void)
rpc UpdateProfile (Profiles::Profile) returns(Void)
rpc CanAcceptPipelineData (Void) returns(google
rpc UpdateHermes (HermesUpdateArgs) returns(HermesUpdateResponse)
rpc GetDebugMode (Void) returns(RuntimeDebugBehaviourArgs)
rpc SetDebugMode (RuntimeDebugBehaviourArgs) returns(Void)
rpc Login (SessionArguments) returns(Session)
rpc Logout (google::protobuf::StringValue) returns(Void)
rpc Heartbeat (Session) returns(Session)
rpc GetFilterInventory (Void) returns(FilterInventory)
rpc GetActivePipeline (google::protobuf::StringValue) returns(Pipeline)
rpc CommitPipeline (PipelineCommitArgs) returns(Void)
rpc GetServiceRoute (google::protobuf::StringValue) returns(ServiceRoute)
rpc Rumble (RumbleArgs) returns(Void)
*rpc SetDonglePolygon (DonglePolygonArgs) returns(SetPolygonDongleResponse)
rpc AddSkeleton (Polygon::Skeleton) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc RemoveSkeleton (Polygon::RemoveSkeletonArgs) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc SetSkeletonSettings (Polygon::Retargeting::SettingsArgs) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc SetSkeletonTarget (Polygon::SetTargetArgs) returns(Void)
rpc GetCompatibleVersion (Void) returns(Polygon
rpc AddTargetSkeleton (Polygon::TargetSkeleton) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc RemoveTargetSkeleton (google::protobuf::StringValue) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc UpdateTargetSkeleton (Polygon::TargetSkeleton) returns(Void)
rpc UpdateTrackers (TrackerData) returns(Void)
rpc GetConnectedTrackerList (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(TrackerList)
rpc IsUserUsingHMD (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(google
rpc AutoGroupTrackers (Void) returns(Void)
rpc AutoAssignTrackers (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(Void)
rpc ResetTrackerAssignment (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(Void)
rpc AssignTrackerToUser (AssignTrackerToUserArgs) returns(Void)
rpc AssignRoleToTracker (AssignRoleToTrackerArgs) returns(Void)
rpc ChangeUserForRole (ChangeUserForRoleArgs) returns(Void)
rpc SetTrackingSystem (google::protobuf::StringValue) returns(Void)
rpc GetTrackingSystems (Void) returns(TrackingSystemMessage)
rpc KeepLastPosition (google::protobuf::BoolValue) returns(Void)
rpc UseTimeout (google::protobuf::BoolValue) returns(Void)
rpc SetTimeout (google::protobuf::FloatValue) returns(Void)
rpc GetTrackerServiceSettings (Void) returns(TrackerServiceSettings)
rpc GetTrackerSystemsSettings (Void) returns(TrackerSystemCollection)
rpc SetTrackerSystemsSettings (TrackerSystemCollection) returns(Void)
rpc CalibrateHapticsModule (HapticCommandArgs) returns(Void)
rpc GetHapticsDataSocket (Void) returns(ServiceRoute)
rpc StartHapticsPairing (google::protobuf::UInt32Value) returns(Void)
rpc StopHapticsPairing (google::protobuf::UInt32Value) returns(Void)
rpc GetAdvertisingHapticsModules (google::protobuf::UInt32Value) returns(AdvertisingHapticsModules)
rpc PairHapticsModule (PairingArgs) returns(Void)
rpc TurnHapticsModuleOff (HapticCommandArgs) returns(Void)
rpc SetHapticsSequence (StoreHapticsSequenceCommandArgs) returns(Void)
rpc PlayHapticsSequence (PlayHapticsSequenceCommandArgs) returns(Void)
rpc DeleteHapticsSequence (DeleteHapticsSequenceCommandArgs) returns(Void)
rpc StartSequence (StartSequenceArg) returns(SequenceData)
rpc StopSequence (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc StartNextStep (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc UndoStep (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc GetSequenceState (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(SequenceStateValue)
rpc GetStepData (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(StepData)
rpc GetCalibrationProfile (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(CalibrationProfile)
rpc ApplyProfile (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc AddUser (Void) returns(User)
rpc RemoveUser (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc AssignHandToUser (UserHandArgs) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc AssignProfileToUser (UserProfileArgs) returns(CompleteMessage)
rpc GetAllUsers (Void) returns(UserCollection)
rpc MoveUserUp (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(Void)
rpc MoveUserDown (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(Void)
rpc ConvertUserIDToUserIndex (google::protobuf::Int32Value) returns(google
rpc GetBandScan (BandScanArgs) returns(BandScanInfo)
rpc SetChannel (ChannelSelectionArgs) returns(google
rpc SetPersistentDongleChannels (google::protobuf::BoolValue) returns(Void)
rpc AreDongleChannelsPersistent (Void) returns(google
rpc LoadPlaybackParameters (Playback::PlaybackParameters) returns(google
rpc UnloadPlayback (Void) returns(google
rpc FeedPlaybackFrame (Playback::PlaybackFrame) returns(google
rpc SetSettingIgnoreThumbIMU (google::protobuf::BoolValue) returns(Void)
rpc GetSettingIgnoreThumbIMU (Void) returns(google
rpc SetSettingIgnoreNonThumbFingerIMU (google::protobuf::BoolValue) returns(Void)
rpc GetSettingIgnoreNonThumbFingerIMU (Void) returns(google


import google protobuf timestamp proto
service Hermes
service HapticsService
service DeviceForest
service Apollo

Detailed Description

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ coor_axis_t

Specifies how the 3d mesh model is setup at the client side (Unity/Unreal/etc) for the BasisConversionFilter. ExternalMeshNodeConfig defines the coordinate frame in a node/bone of the mesh. We assume that hand mesh bones are oriented in such a way that one axis points towards the tips of the fingers, one axis points out of the hand perpendicular to the palmar plane or the plane in which the finger nails would lie (in case of the thumb), and one axis perpendicular to the other two, usually designating the axis of rotation of the finger joints. For the world frame, forward = from viewer, right = right of viewer Some engines flip a coordinate frame axis to convert a right-handed coordinate frame to a left-handed coordinate frame This negation axis should also be specified for your application The bone that you try to describe has its x-Axis pointing towards the finger tip, its y-Axis pointing towards the palm and rotates around the z-Axis, which points left. In this case, upDirection = CoorAxisY_NEG (the negation of the y-Axis points to the back of the hand), forwardDirection = CoorAxisX_POS, and rightDirection = CoorAxisZ_NEG (the negation of the z-Axis points right according to the above definition)

the upAxis for the thumb refers to the direction outward from the back of the thumb, and its rightAxis refers to the direction pointing right when looking at the back of the thumb (i.e. the side on which the nail is) For an illustration check out the online documentation for the Apollo Network SDK

proto forces enums to begin at 0

◆ DefaultPorts


option allow_alias = true;

◆ FingerType


◆ StepType





◆ UpdateMode

Shared mode for firmware & application updates.

Function Documentation

◆ AddSkeleton()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::AddSkeleton ( Polygon::Skeleton  )

SetLicense (LicenseArgs ) returns SetLicenseDongleResponse rpc Pair( PairingArgs ) returns ( Void ) {}; rpc Unpair( PairingArgs ) returns ( Void ) {}; rpc Bootloader( BootloaderArgs ) returns ( Void ) {}; rpc CalibrationSetMin( CalibrationArgs ) returns ( google::protobuf::BoolValue ) {}; rpc CalibrationSetMax( CalibrationArgs ) returns ( google::protobuf::BoolValue ) {}; rpc CalibrationStore( CalibrationArgs ) returns ( google::protobuf::BoolValue ) {}; rpc CalibrationBegin ( CalibrationArgs ) returns ( google::protobuf::BoolValue ) {}; rpc CalibrationEnd ( CalibrationArgs ) returns ( google::protobuf::BoolValue ) {}; rpc CalibrationDataGet ( CalibrationArgs ) returns ( Embedded::CalibrationData ) {}; rpc CalibrationDataSet ( CalibrationArgs ) returns ( google::protobuf::BoolValue ) {}; rpc UpdateDongleFirmware( DongleUpdateArgs ) returns ( DongleUpdateResponse ) {}; /** Polygon

◆ AddUser()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::AddUser ( Void  )


◆ CalibrateHapticsModule()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::CalibrateHapticsModule ( HapticCommandArgs  )


◆ CommitPipeline()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::CommitPipeline ( PipelineCommitArgs  )

Commit a new pipeline, setting it as the currently active pipeline

◆ GetActivePipeline()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::GetActivePipeline ( google::protobuf::StringValue  )

Get the currently active filter pipeline

◆ GetBandScan()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::GetBandScan ( BandScanArgs  )


◆ GetFilterInventory()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::GetFilterInventory ( Void  )

/ Pipeline related client api. Get Inventory of currently available filters

◆ GetServiceRoute()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::GetServiceRoute ( google::protobuf::StringValue  )

Route api for services.

◆ GetTrackerSystemsSettings()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::GetTrackerSystemsSettings ( Void  )

TrackerSystem Settings

◆ Heartbeat()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::Heartbeat ( Session  )

Send a heartbeat to Hermes. If a session misses too many of these in a row, Hermes will assume that the session is dead.

◆ LoadPlaybackParameters()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::LoadPlaybackParameters ( Playback::PlaybackParameters  )

Recording Playback

◆ Login()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::Login ( SessionArguments  )

/ Client Session API Log in to a Hermes session

◆ Logout()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::Logout ( google::protobuf::StringValue  )

Log out of a Hermes session

◆ Rumble()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::Rumble ( RumbleArgs  )

These are all the ones that reach the devices.

◆ SetSettingIgnoreThumbIMU()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::SetSettingIgnoreThumbIMU ( google::protobuf::BoolValue  )


◆ StartSequence()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::StartSequence ( StartSequenceArg  )


◆ UpdateForest()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::UpdateForest ( Hardware::DeviceForest  )

Called by services to update Hermes with new device landscape (connected devices) data.

◆ UpdateHermes()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::UpdateHermes ( HermesUpdateArgs  )

Check for, or perform, a maintenance update on Hermes.

◆ UpdateProfile()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::UpdateProfile ( Profiles::Profile  )

Called by services to update Hermes with new profile data.

◆ UpdateTrackers()

rpc Hermes::Protocol::UpdateTrackers ( TrackerData  )


Variable Documentation

◆ Apollo

service Hermes::Protocol::Apollo
Initial value:
rpc Rumble(RumbleArgs) returns (Void) {}

These are things that are called FROM the coordinator above (it feels icky, I know), into the Apollo service, which will then call Apollo 2019 proper. Client.Rumble() -> CoordintorApi -> ApolloApi -> Apollo2019 -> USB.

◆ DeviceForest

service Hermes::Protocol::DeviceForest
Initial value:

These are things that are called FROM the coordinator above (it feels icky, I know), into the DeviceForest service, which will then propagate it to the usb device. Client.Rumble() -> CoordintorApi -> DeviceForestApi -> DeviceForest -> USB. todo we gotta remove this (and so much more) since we don't internally use the rpc calls anymore

◆ HapticsService

service Hermes::Protocol::HapticsService
Initial value:
rpc CalibrateHapticsModule( HapticCommandArgs ) returns ( Void ) {}

◆ Hermes

service Hermes::Protocol::Hermes
Initial value:
rpc UpdatePipelines( Devices ) returns ( Void ) {}

Hermes service api.

◆ proto

import protodefinitions Manus Gloves Hermes::Protocol::proto

import "protodefinitions/Common.proto";

rpc Rumble(RumbleArgs) returns(Void)
Definition: Hermes.proto:77
rpc CalibrateHapticsModule(HapticCommandArgs) returns(Void)
Definition: Hermes.proto:124